Mold Removal & Remediation Inc
- 6100 Blue Lagoon Dr #67 Miami FL 33126 (786) 233-7460 24h Cash, check, all cc. Flooding due to nature and other causes of water damage are the beginnings of mold growth in your home. It is important that as soon as these events take place, you should contact us to assess the damage. If your home has been flooded, if your bathtub has overflowed, or if your roof has had a leak, it is likely that you will end up needing mold remediation if it was not dried out properly. Call us today for expert advice and solutions to resolve all your mold issues before the mold growth expands. If your home has Mold and Mildew inside it anywhere, the first ones that are going to show symptoms of exposure will be your children, the elderly, and your pets. These groups are particularly susceptible to the health complications associated with mold exposure to Water Damage.
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